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#  Coral Images and Accession Numbers
#  A. Apprill, PI
#  Version 19 October 2016
site                     lat          lon           
Nursery                  24.562417    -81.400217    
colony  species               depth  tissue_accessionNumber  tissue_accessionLink  mucus_accessionNumber  mucus_accessionLink  holobiont_accessionNumber  holobiont_accessionLink  filename1  filename2  filename3  
NU1     Porites_asteroides    7.6    nd                      nd                    SAMN05203268               SAMN05203268     SAMN05203269                     SAMN05203269       IMG_2706   IMG_2707   nd         
NU2     Orbicella_faveolata   7.6    SAMN05203200                SAMN05203200      SAMN05203270               SAMN05203270     nd                         nd                       IMG_2713   IMG_2711   nd         
NU3     Orbicella_faveolata   7.6    SAMN05203201                SAMN05203201      SAMN05203271               SAMN05203271     nd                         nd                       IMG_2721   IMG_2719   nd         
NU4     Orbicella_faveolata   7.6    SAMN05203202                SAMN05203202      SAMN05203272               SAMN05203272     nd                         nd                       IMG_2725   IMG_2722   nd         
NU5     Porites_porites       7.6    SAMN05203203                SAMN05203203      SAMN05203273               SAMN05203273     SAMN05203204                     SAMN05203204       IMG_2726   IMG_2727   nd         
NU6     Porites_porites       7.6    SAMN05203205                SAMN05203205      SAMN05203274               SAMN05203274     SAMN05203206                     SAMN05203206       IMG_2729   IMG_2730   nd         
NU7     Porites_asteroides    7.6    SAMN05203319                SAMN05203319      SAMN05203275               SAMN05203275     SAMN05203208                     SAMN05203208       IMG_2734   IMG_2732   nd         
NU8     Porites_asteroides    7.6    SAMN05203209                SAMN05203209      SAMN05203276               SAMN05203276     SAMN05203210                     SAMN05203210       IMG_2737   IMG_2735   nd         
NU9     Diploria_strigosa     7.6    SAMN05203211                SAMN05203211      SAMN05203277               SAMN05203277     nd                         nd                       IMG_2741   IMG_2738   nd         
NU10    Diploria_strigosa     7.6    nd                      nd                    SAMN05203267               SAMN05203267     nd                         nd                       IMG_2744   IMG_2742   nd